If you’re looking into alternative options to removable dentures, you’ve likely come across dental implants during your research. However, before you commit to the procedure, it’s important to understand what it entails and what you’ll need to do after the treatment to ensure their longevity.
Carry on reading for a complete guide to dental implant aftercare.
What are Dental Implants?
A dental implant is a piece of titanium that looks like a screw. It goes into the jaw where the missing tooth’s roots once were and over time, the bone begins to grow around the implant. This holds it in place and keeps it stable.
Then, an artificial tooth, or a crown, is attached to the metal screw to fill in the gap caused by the missing tooth. The crown is made specifically to resemble the other teeth in terms of their shape, size and colour to create a natural finish.
When is a Dental Implant Necessary?
If you have one or more missing teeth, a dental implant could be a good option for you. However, there are certain requirements you must meet to be eligible. Some of these are:
- Having a fully grown and healthy jawbone
- Not having gum disease
- Having no conditions that affect bone density
- Your dentist will examine your teeth and advise on the procedure that is best suited to your teeth and circumstances.
How Long do Dental Implants Last?
With the proper care and maintenance after the procedure, dental implants can last for over 25 years. This isn’t a guarantee, however, and will require you to follow all of your dentist’s advice.
Your implants will also be under warranty, which usually lasts for 10 years.
Some factors could reduce the lifespan of your implants and should be avoided at all times, including:
- Smoking and drinking excessively
- Gum disease
- Bad oral hygiene – not brushing and flossing enough
- Osteoporosis and the use of medication to treat it
Advice For Aftercare
There are many things you can do to help increase the lifespan of your dental implants and the overall well-being of your mouth.
- Floss and brush your teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes
- See your dentist every 6 months for checkups
- Maintain good overall health and oral hygiene
- Book a post-operative appointment 1-2 weeks after the procedure
- Look out for side effects like excessive bleeding, pain and swelling
- Ultimately, your dentist will give you specific instructions and the best advice we can give is to follow these. If you are concerned about your implants, make sure you get in touch with us as soon as possible.
If you want to see if you’re eligible for dental implants, or you have more questions about the process, contact Suncoast Dental on 07 5443 3500 and arrange a consultation today.